The Mobile Mini Mall
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Gifts at the Mobile Mini Mall
A Program Designed To Create A Revenue Resource For Businesses That Rely on Fundraising and an Employee Benefit Program For Healthcare Companies

Our Program Designed To Help ...
  • Fund a Company's Employee Appreciation/Scholarship Program.
  • Fund an Employee Incentive, Bonus, or Performance Rewards Program.
  • Support a Company's Chosen Charity/Cause With Employees.
  • Increase Your Employee Buying Power Through Group Power.
  • Employees Stay Healthier With Natural Wellness Resources.
  • ... and many other advantages built into our Revenue Program.

We genuinely believe that a rising tide
will lift all ships, and we want to make
sure our communities stay afloat.

The Building Greater
Community Initiative

We have expanded our fundraising activities from a few days a year per location to 365 days a year. That means your company’s fundraising success can explode with extra funding as a result of having the benefit of fundraising 365 days of the year.

Plus a Bonus For Your Employees

Our Mission and Vision

What an unbelievable year 2020, has been and how it has influenced almost every part of our lives. It has been a challenge in our fundraising activities since COVD19 has stopped us dead in our tracks in holding fundraising events (shows) around the country.

There are hundreds of organizations that rely on the success of the Mobile Mini Mall, and the mission of the Mobile Mini Mall continues to be laser-focused on supporting local businesses and communities by donating a portion of its sales to LOCAL charities.

We are using this downtime as an opportunity to expand our fundraising activities by adding our online Mobile Mini Mall and delivery feature in communities throughout Florida and Georgia.

Bouncing Back

At the Mobile Mini Mall, we are doing our part to author America's recovery story by creating the Building Greater Communities initiative.

"Building Greater Communities" was created by the Mobile Mini Mall and our sister company, Buy Locally Today, to help support our neighboring businesses and charities that are serving the community's needs as we find a way to work together through these trying times.

The company has expanded its services to stimulate business and help all our neighbors overcome the tremendous economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Mobile Mini Mall will continue to donate a large percentage of its earnings to support local charities that have suffered incredible financial hardship during these challenging times.

Please join us in supporting one another during this ongoing struggle. Together we are better!

Why Change?

The positive influence of COVID-19 for the Mobile Mini Mall is that it made us sit back and rethink and redesign how we will continue to do business.

Since 100% of the places that we held shows at have postponed all shows until future notice, we had to create a solution to service our customers’ needs while complying with social distancing and other safety issues.

And We Have …

As you may recall, we never sold our products online. We NOW have created a Members’ Only website that is FREE to join for employees of all the organizations that we do business with.

But There is More …

Not only do we offer huge discounts on our products, but we also ADDED a Rewards Program. Each item we sell online earns “Value Points” that can be redeemed for products showcased.

Do you remember the days of the S&H Green Stamps? It is the same concept and it provides even more bang for the dollar spent.

We Did Not Stop There …

We determined if we were going to redesign our business, then let us take it to a new level and make it a one-of-a-kind experience, as well as an exciting adventure for our customers throughout the year.

We Approached It Factually …
An Employee Benefit Program

People buy gifts and household items every month. The average annual cost per household is $707 (about $60 per month), according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics' 2016 Consumer Expenditure Survey and American adults are projected to spend approximately $942 on gifts per person (about $80 per month).

That is an average of $1,500 per family of three (3).

So, our questions were how do we:
  • Save our members more money.
  • Add more value to each purchase.
  • And make shopping more convenient.
The answers to all those questions were easy. Create an online Membership Site that is FREE to join. If you remember, it took us hours to set up our show and load it back up. Sometimes we would drive hours to get somewhere.

All those things were an expense. With our new Mobile Mini Mall now online, we save those expenses and we are giving it back to our members in many ways.
  • Huge Discounts.
  • Added Value Points.
  • Profit-Sharing Program.
Yes, You Read It Correctly – Profit Sharing!

We want to REWARD our loyal customers for their many years of support and to do what no other business is doing, that I know of and share our profits with our customers!

Profit-Sharing Unheard of Until Now!

Why would the Mobile Mini Mall offer to share its profit with members?

There are a couple of reasons and the first reason is to do more than express the words, “Thank You” and continue doing business as usual.

We want to express our appreciation and the acknowledgment that our success over the years is because of you, our valued customer.

The best way to reward you is not limited to Value Points, but to compensate you with monthly cash payments for what you already do, naturally. How many times have you referred a friend, co-worker, or family to a product or service that you are satisfied with? I bet more than you realize.

How Do You Qualify for Profit-Sharing?

Our profit-sharing program is ideal if you ever purchased a product and liked it so much that you shared your experience with that product with someone else, BUT you did NOT GET PAID for the recommendation.

From our experience over the years, we know our customers refer their co-workers back to us when we are at their workplace. If you have referred anyone back to us or referred anyone to try a product, you are qualified!

We are offering three (3) exciting referral programs to share in the profits of the Mobile Mini Mall.

These programs are called:
  1. Affiliate
  2. Affiliate Partner
  3. Ambassadorship
We can offer these profit-sharing programs because of the new online Mobile Mini Mall membership site.

It is like Sam’s Club or Costco where members receive specific benefits through group buying. The biggest difference is there is NO MEMBERSHIP FEE with the Mobile Mini Mall.

As an Affiliate or Affiliate Partner, whenever a member purchases an item from the Mobile Mini Mall, the person who referred them to the Mobile Mini Mall will earn a percentage of each sale (commission) and are paid monthly. We call this profit sharing. Plus, a local charity will receive a percentage of each sale as a donation in your name.

That is all there is to it.

Is There A Limit on How Much You Earn?

The answer is NO! How much you can earn monthly depends on how many people you know from work, family members, or social gatherings and how many of those people will follow your recommendation (invite to visit the Mobile Mini Mall and claim their FREE membership).

Now multiply the number of people you know by a $1,500 each in purchases and you share in a portion of that profit each year, repeatedly.

Can you imagine the extra cash you can earn for your referrals without doing anything? And if they are a member of the Mobile Mini Mall, you will earn commission on all sales from your group of referrals.

Growing Your Buyers Group is Easy!

And the easy part, once you refer your friends to your Personal Webpage (provided and maintained by us), all you must do is continue to tell people about your personalized webpage. We even provide you with invitational messages that have proven remarkably successful in getting people to respond.

You can continue to build your group of referrals and grow the size into 1000s over a short period of time. Think of all your friends and contacts on social media that you can invite.

Your personalized webpage is where you will invite people to visit. It is that easy, and when they claim their membership from your webpage, they are linked to you as their sponsor and in your group forever!

So, to recap our offer:
  • It will never cost you a penny to be an Affiliate Member.

  • Your Profit Sharing is paid for the first week of every month.

  • We will provide you everything you need to grow your group.
Remember, whenever a person you referred makes a purchase through the Mobile Mini Mall, you will share in the profits of the sale amount (minus any sales tax and shipping cost), and you are paid the first of each month. If they remain a member, you will receive commissions on all their purchases, even if they move to another town or state, you still share in the profit from their purchases.

Wait There is Even More Icing on the Cake!

The Concept of Ambassador is easy to grasp. Our Ambassador Program is an extremely exciting opportunity for you to participate in incredible discounted products, or even FREE, throughout the year to evaluate, and we developed a way for you to make a few extra dollars while having FUN!

Let me ask you a couple of questions.

How many times have you purchased a product that you REALLY enjoyed and how many people did you share that experience with that product and recommend it to someone else?

Now the BIG question is: How much were you PAID for those valuable recommendations? I will bet you did not receive a PENNY for that recommendation!

What you did was the WORK of a Brand Ambassador but did not get paid for it! We are CHANGING that and now through our Ambassador Program, you will be paid and the amount you can earn is unlimited.

So, you are more than likely doing the work as a Brand Ambassador now, so this is nothing new to you, but getting paid for it, now that may be a new concept (details inside your membership account).

Inside the Mobile Mini Mall, you will discover everything you need to become an Affiliate or Ambassador and you can be up and running in less than 1-hour. As you can see, there is no special skill required and everything that you are doing already is all the experience you need to be a success.

Everyone Is Invited

These opportunities are open to everyone. The only requirement is to claim their FREE membership.

Why Did You Receive This Information?

We are looking for an individual who would assist us in getting the word out about the Mobile Mini Mall FREE membership and motivating staff members to claim their FREE membership. It is nothing more than referring to the people you work with to participate in all the benefits while helping the local community.

You will have the staff members claim their membership from your personalized webpage that we provide and maintain for you, and when they sign up from your webpage, they are coded (linked) to you as their sponsor. When they purchase from the Mobile Mini Mall, you will share in the profit.

Plus, the company you work for earns a percentage of all the sales likewise to be used as they deem fit.

What If You Leave That Company?

That does not change anything! If you move to another company, retire, or whatever you do, you will continue to share in the profit of those you referred to. You can refer to family, friends, social contacts, your church, or neighbors. Just refer them to your personalized webpage and we will do the rest.

Can You Sign Up Residents?

Yes, you can, if they have an email address and a way to access the internet. Of course, the company will have their own membership account and can be used to place residents’ orders from the company’s membership account. We offer delivery right to the company for residents’ orders at a nominal fee, and 30-day billing, as we have in the past.

How Much Time Does This Require?

We will provide you with brochures, business cards, and flyers outlining the benefits of the Mobile Mini Mall that you can put up. It does not require a sales pitch, it only needs to be a referral, and that is just about all there is to it.

The biggest challenge is getting as many people to claim their membership. The more people you can get to sign up, the more you will earn, the company will earn, and local charities will receive in donations.

Everyone wins!

If you are interested, claim your free membership by and then complete your account (Profile) information and we'll rush you our printed package for your review. We have a full and complete step-by-step guide to get you started on the journey of greater success.

If you are not interested, please let Liane know so we can approach the company directly.

Edward Page Enterprise 2008-2020
Ocala, Florida - 1.813.418.1683